Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1- So we begin

Happy New Year! I'm grateful to have 2014 over and I'm excited to see what 2015 has in store for my family and me. 

First, I need to clear something up with all of you.  I have had a few people, particularly co-workers, who were questioning why I was going to take a picture of myself everyday for a year.  Now, if you are anything like my co-workers and are truly a part of the silly class, then allow me to explain.  My number one resolution for this year is to become healthy.  I'm doing this in a few different ways. I am going to start including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my diet.  I'm going to limit my intake of junk food.  I'm also not going to eat anything that is fried or greasy.  I'm also going to try and exercise as much as I can.  I have a few health problems and have found that when I eat some of these things, they have a negative effect on my body. What those issues are is another topic for another day.  I'm posting a picture of myself everyday to track the progress I have made in my health goal.  I'm using my blog as a platform to document my successes and/or failures.

This doesn't mean that I'm not going to blog about other things.  The picture that I post will be, for the most part, a background to the post that I'm going to make for the day.  I love to write and feel that I'm not terrible at it.  I used to blog almost everyday, posting my ups and downs.  I am going to try and do that again.  I'm hoping to fill this blog full of different things.  I hope that you will follow me and enjoy what crazy garbage spews from the corners of my strange mind.      

You all know the first resolution that I have made; I want to be healthy.  Now, let me tell you the others.  I seem to do this every year.  I'm in a constant state of trying to improve myself.  I fail sometimes but do feel that I have just as many successes.  I have made five simple goals/resolutions for this year.

  •  I want to take a picture of myself everyday for a year.  You now know the why.  Don't worry, I'll keep it clean.  It's like I mentioned in my last post, I'm not some tramp who does cheap tricks at night for simple thrills.  Although, I am some what of an attention whore( thanks Joel) so that might be fun. 
  • I want to take at least 100 dollars from every pay check that I get and put it into savings.  I am a poor college student.  I have a lot of bills and it seems that there is always something that comes up after the bills to swipe my remaining funds.  I'm doing this so that I will have the money that I need when I run into a crunch.  
  • Once a week, I want to create a recipe that I have never made before.  I love to cook and I want to hone my skills as much as I can now that I am not able to go to Culinary School.  Also, it will make a great blog post...ha!
  • The last one I'm not going to share with you all.  As much as I crave the attention I receive from writing on this blog, I do have a private life.  This last one I'm going to keep to least for now. 
Now, I feel that you have been thoroughly filled in.  I'll see y'all tomorrow.


Picture of the day

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