Saturday, January 11, 2020

I'm back baby!

I don't know what I set out to do when I created this blog. I had a lot of ambitions and I think I wanted to use this as a place to sort out those dreams. I found that my dreams were way too big to fit into one blog. As much as I tried to contain them inside of this small box I call a blog, they seeped through the pages and into my life. They wanted to make themselves known. They wanted substance. They wanted form. 2019 finished with a lot of hopes left in the ether of my kitchen table. They allowed themselves to be vulnerable and I paid them no heed.

I took a year off to truly discover what it was that I wanted. I went through a lot of hard changes. If you've read my previous post you'll understand how difficult those things were. It's been difficult for me to articulate my thoughts and feelings on these pages. I'm only now picking up from where I stopped. I don't want my ambitions to lay restless in front of me. I want them to be expressed in the most neon blasts of pinks, greens, yellows, and blues. I want you to know how what I'm doing. I want you to know what I'm passionate about.

One thing I've discovered in the last year is my zest for life. I'm finished sitting by idly and watching others experience what I have always wanted to for myself. I'm ready to jump head first into a large pile of snow white marshmallow fluff. I'm ready to dive into a pool of dream-filled glitter and dance with the vibrant purples and oranges that await me.


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