Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been awhile since we have updated which is not like us at all. I'll make sure that it's updated more often. I don't want all 3 of my bloggers to be kept in the dark about everything that's transpiring in the life of The Sorensen's.

There are only two things that I want to say in this post. The first being thank you. I want to say thank you to those people who have been there for us these last few days. You might not know why I've been trying to text you nor will you, but thank you for talking to either Melissa or I. I want to thank those of you who were willing to text me back when I needed you.

Red bananas are the name of the game today. Although they look like a regular banana that has been shrunk and rotted a little, they aren't. They are a different type of banana altogether and have a completely different taste. Red bananas aren't as sweet as regular bananas and are creamer. They almost seem to melt in your mouth as you eat them. When you peel through the red exterior you reach the fruity orangish flesh, which might turn you off to the fruit, but realize that it's the taste that counts. It has a flavor all it's own and is an adventure that any palette would be willing to go on.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! I am always willing to text! It is alot easier for me to still chase Aly around when I text instead of trying to hold a phone with my shoulder. :) Hope all is well.