Thursday, January 7, 2016

my happy hour

Tonight, my post is going to be a short one.  I've had a migraine all day and I haven't really had the "umph" to do anything.  My list of three things that made me happy today are:

1.  I received a text from Melissa this morning telling me that my daughter had been crying because she missed me.  Apparently, she didn't know why she was crying, but she just missed daddy.

2.  I made a cake last night and I was afraid that the amount of orange that I had put in it wasn't going to be enough to add any flavor.  I was pleasantly surprised when that was one of the first things that I was able to taste.

3.  I was able to come home after work and take some migraine medicine.  It didn't take away the migraine but it helped me be able to function for the remainder of the day.

What helped you be happy today?  I hope it was something awesome.


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