Sunday, December 31, 2017


"When we were only kids and we were best of friends. We hoped for the best and let go of the rest."

The last time I wrote on here was September 19th. The months that followed that date were brutal. I do not ask for your forgiveness as I will not say sorry. I have been busy and haven't had a moment to spare to enjoy writing. I am here now and am really excited to get back into the swing of things.

Today is the last day of the year. I wish to spend a few minutes reminiscing on what transpired the last year. Walk with me if you will, down a path to the past. 2017 definitely was one for the books. It had a lot of ups and downs but in the end we arrived on a high note.

In early spring we discovered flowers blooming all around our property. These flowers came up on their own and brightened up the dreary landscape that held onto its winter coat.

It was also around this time that our house decided that it wanted to give us grief. One of the pipes under our kitchen sink burst and hot water started spewing from the cabinet and onto the floor. It spread underneath the floorboards and started raining down into our basement. It also soaked through the wall that it was attached to and warped the floor in our living room. After a few months and a lot of headaches we finally had our home back.

In April our family grew when we were given the opportunity to adopt a kitty. He was in instant hit with the kids and has since become a highlight to our lives. His name is Oliver Cameron. He's a menace and loves to destroy our furniture.

We went on many adventures. We drove to Idaho a lot and have brand new tires to prove it as in the course of the year we had to change all four tires due to these trips. We saw buffalo, geysers, and grandparents.

We celebrated lots of holidays and friend visits. We had a lot of doctors appointments and even one surgery.

This year was a year full of adventures and trials. Thank you to all who made it amazing for me and my family.


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