Tuesday, January 9, 2018

White chocolate and peppermint pretzel crisps are awesome!

There are ten things that you need to know:

Number one: My name is Jeremy Sorensen. That name has a meaning. It's the name of a man who has had many wonderful days as well as many terrible ones. Jeremy, a name meaning exalted by God and Sorensen meaning Saint. It's a powerful name.

Number two: I have depression. It's a big black dog that trails behind me. It constantly licks me, bumps into me, and wants its ears scratched. This black dog manifests itself through silence and anger. I silently think of negative things and lash out openly. It's a roller coaster that never stops. I can't determine when I got onto it but something prevents me from ever getting off.

Number three: I'm full of crap. I walk around with this aura of brilliance and high self-esteem. I make quick remarks about the insecurities in others. I'm sarcastic and sardonic. This is only to hide the constant negative thoughts that I have racing through my head. People often laugh at me when I tell them that I have no soul or a heart. They think I'm joking. I'm not joking. I'm an ass. I know it and secretly so does everyone else.

Number four: I'm a vegetarian. That means that I don't eat meat. I don't eat chicken, beef, pork, or fish. Chard animal flesh does not make an appearance on my dinner plate. That being said, I do fancy a bit of the dairy. I'm not a vegan. I eat the byproducts of animals just not the animals themselves. I've gone down the vegan road before and will probably venture down it a little further in the future, but right now I love Doritos too much.

Number five: I have a belief in God. I believe that He exists and that He wants the best for me. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I believe that he performed the ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind. I believe that His atonement paid the price for my imperfections. I feel that it is the least we can do to be good people. There is no way to ever repay Christ for what he did for us but we should try. As for my beliefs on organized religion and it's role in society, I have mixed feelings. If going to church and saying your hail Mary's and hallelujahs help you feel close to God then you go Glen Coco. As for me, I believe that simply going out into nature, reading a good book, relaxing, mediating, or simply turning the world off are the only things that you need in order to feel closer to our Higher Power.

Number six: I constantly make goals for myself. I do this so that I can become a better person. I sometimes forget about these goals and fall backward. When I realize that I've drifted away from the appointed goal that I have set, I do everything in my power to adjust myself.

Number seven: I take a weird view on heated topics. I am one of the few people in this world that tries to keep an open mind about things. I look at one side and I understand all of the pros and cons. I then look at the other side and understand the same thing. I'm am in no means a peacemaker. If you want to start a war by all means do it. I am simply the type of person that wants those who are willing to pick up weapons to understand all sides.

Number eight: I have done a lot of things in my life that I regret. There are also things that I regret not doing. I spent a lot of time pining over these things. They infested my very existence for a long time. I found myself dwelling on the past more than I should. It took a long time for me to rise above these failures. There are still moments that these things plague my mind and try and bind me back down. I spend most of my time holding a long sword, slicing my regrets in half.

Number nine: I have been writing on various blogs since I was in High School. I got introduced to them by a friend named Mishy. She introduced me to a site that I could write down my thoughts. I would write everything from what I was doing during to the day to people that I hated. Eventually, I started two blogs. One was dedicated to my emotional teenage angst and the other to my emotional teenage poetry. My blog found itself evolving over the decade until it became what it is now. I enjoy writing and will continue to do it was long as I can.

Number ten: I am who I am. I will not make excuses or exceptions for myself. I will not allow others to force me into a mold that I don't want to be in. I will not allow others to dictate how I should think or feel. I don't feel embarrassed to say or do things that make me look silly. I do them because no one else will. I'm a break from the mold. I'm a cut different from the rest. I don't think it is odd to want to be different. If you have an issue with me then you don't need to follow me. You don't need to continue to read my blog. You can delete me from facebook if you need to. If the things that I do or say are too "weird" for you then I won't feel sad if you need to unfriend me. I am who I am and will not change.


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